Friday, May 9, 2014

A Sophisticated Airing of Grievances

A fan, and guy on my friends list who will remain unnamed decided to discuss his solo queue frustrations with me. The following rage-filled conversation ensued. Be warned, its quite long. (Thinking about doing a dramatic reading of this on youtube)

Let this be a lesson about results oriented thinking.

[12:27] Particularly Angry Guy: 9/1 karma top vs riven.
still lose.
[12:32] : this game flat out sucks anymore
[12:32] mid Gelati: depends on what you're looking for
i treat it like poker, or magic the gathering
its a skilled gambling game
[12:33] Particularly Angry Guy: its no longer skilled though
[12:33] mid Gelati: all you can do is enjoy the process, minimize the variance by improving your own play, and accept a certain amount of said variance
[12:33] Particularly Angry Guy: everyone in plat..
like theres no difference anymore
with this stupid new system
every fucking scrub is plat v
its not even hrd to get to anymore
[12:34] mid Gelati: so grind it out and get through it
[12:34] Particularly Angry Guy: okay
elaborate what more i can do
then go 9/1 and chunk the entire enemy team
for half hp
what else
can 1 person do
[12:34] mid Gelati: first of all, you're looking at one game
you cant have a results oriented mindset
[12:34] Particularly Angry Guy: every game
is that though
i have recordings
for evidence to back that up.
[12:34] mid Gelati: then just play more games
if you're honest to god shit stomping your opponent every single game then it will show that over the course of a larger sample size
and if thats not what your into then i dont know what else to tell you honestly
its a grind
[12:35] Particularly Angry Guy: i played 7 games tonight, won 1 , every game i played either good enough or extremely well with no problems.
explain that
[12:35] mid Gelati: you played 7 games tonight? all ranked?
[12:36] Particularly Angry Guy: normal and ranked.
[12:36] mid Gelati: i see 4 ranked games
i see 9 ranked wins on teh season
[12:36] Particularly Angry Guy: yes
[12:36] mid Gelati: the fact of hte matter is, you dont have the numbers to support any sort of data
im not trying to be a jerk im just telling you how it is
so hear me out here
[12:36] Particularly Angry Guy: why would i waste my time
19 games..
[12:36] mid Gelati: then dont
you know what you were signing up for
no one is making you play
[12:37] Particularly Angry Guy: im thoroughly convinced
either 1. nobody cares about winning , or 2. more children or born autistics than ever before
theres no other explanation
[12:37] mid Gelati: yea theres a ton of shitheads
[12:37] Particularly Angry Guy: u should see these games
and this is platinum
i dont expect
i never ever expect challenger skilled players
in this
[12:37] mid Gelati: low platinum is where people think they're good and play with recklessness
[12:37] Particularly Angry Guy: but i also dont expect u
to flat out throw the game
and run into the other team to suicide
all i ask is for a team that wont suicide
[12:38] mid Gelati: just know that statistically it happens to everyone
[12:38] Particularly Angry Guy: and i can win
[12:38] mid Gelati: so the only thing that you can do is to not be that guy, perform consistently game to game, and eliminate the variance
[12:38] Particularly Angry Guy: i can play forever
[12:38] mid Gelati: well as much of it as possible
[12:38] Particularly Angry Guy: i try every lane
[12:38] mid Gelati: you literally need to be a robot about it
[12:38] Particularly Angry Guy: nothing works
[12:39] mid Gelati: alright listen
[12:39] Particularly Angry Guy: u realize season 3
i go to diamond so fast
i won 4 games
and skipped diamond 5 to diamond 2
teams had skilled players
it was actually fun
now every single fucking troll
is somehow platinum
[12:39] mid Gelati: so now you're just going to quit because you have to work to get there?
[12:39] Particularly Angry Guy: im putting in plenty of work
my hand hurts
my wrist hurts
my head hurts
[12:39] mid Gelati: you're not putting in plenty of work
[12:39] Particularly Angry Guy: i threw my mic and broke it
i just went
9 and fucking 1
[12:40] mid Gelati: listen
[12:40] Particularly Angry Guy: with a fucking
[12:40] mid Gelati: listen
im going to lay this out as logically as i can for you, because thats the only way i know how to do things, its going ot be cold, and direct,
if you dont want to hear it or believe it or whatever thats fine, but you cant say i didnt say it
lets look at this purely from a numbers standpoint
we'll keep it simple
theres 10 people in a game
if you are shit stomping and dominating your specific opponent in every single game like you're saying, then you should win roughly 10-20% more games over a large sample size
we'll say 10% for simplicity
obviously you'll lose some that you get fed in, and win some you lose in, but we'll ignore that
if you're dominating that hard, over the course of say 100 games you'll win 10 more
so maybe yu're 60-40
[12:42] : whcih is a 60% win rate, which is really really high
the point im trying to make is this
you've played what 19 games in ranked this season?]
you dont have a large enough sample size to see whats actually going on
if you're honestly whooping as much as as you say you are, play more games and you'll see the results
you cant look at a small sample and assume things
[12:44] : i feel like shit cuz im slacking this season, im not working hard enough, and im being punished for it
[12:44] Particularly Angry Guy: thats just stupid then
spam games and go up
the game is flawed them
[12:44] mid Gelati: if you're actually dominating then yes, play games, go up
[12:44] Particularly Angry Guy: 19 games
is alot of fucking time..
thats like 10 hours
[12:45] mid Gelati: i have a friend thats played 500 ranked games this season already
he was diamond 1 last season
he just got diamond last week
[12:45] Particularly Angry Guy: exactly
the system is fucked.
[12:45] mid Gelati: the fact is, theres like 30 million people playing this game (a small fraction of that play ranked)
people are better, there are more resources
you dont just get good by talent, you gotta work at it
if you really really want the rating and think you deserve it then prove it and play the games out and put the hours in just like everyone else does
but you cant honestly expect results when you've put in a fraction of the time that others have
solo queue is literally like poker
you get bad beats, you can play perfectly logically and make the right plays and you'll still lose
look at the best players on the planet
wild turtle still loses a lot
he just plays thousands and thousands of games
faker loses games
[12:47] : just because doyle brunsen used to be hte best poker player didnt mean he automatically won
you take the good with the bad
variance, theres 10 people in a game, you only control 10%
[12:48] Particularly Angry Guy: the point is the game is flawed and should be shut down as we are speaking then, every other game if ur good ur good, if ur bad ur bad
[12:48] mid Gelati: you need to learn to accept that
[12:48] Particularly Angry Guy: its not "oh i played 100 games so im higher ranking"who wants that
[12:48] mid Gelati: thats not true at all
[12:48] Particularly Angry Guy: why was i diamond every other season
season 1
season 2
season 3
[12:48] mid Gelati: if i play 100 games and go 50/50 id be exactly where i am now
[12:48] Particularly Angry Guy: and now all the sudden
its borderline impossible to win
[12:49] mid Gelati: i think you've just had a bad string of games and you're frustrated
it happens, we've all been there
you're literally tilting to me right now in this conversation
you're refusing to see the logic
id recommend stepping away for awhile
[12:49] Particularly Angry Guy: i stepped away
since last november
it is now may 2014
[12:49] mid Gelati: people are better now
[12:49] Particularly Angry Guy: u mean wrose
[12:49] mid Gelati: dude
im trying to be as logical and down to earth as i can
what do you want me to tell you?
ive laid out what it is
[12:50] Particularly Angry Guy: me: 9/1 jungler didnt come top a single time. mid lane: 2/7 support: 0/3 ADC: 1/5 jungle : 4/3
[12:50] mid Gelati: if you dont like it then go play something else
[12:50] Particularly Angry Guy: how do i win the game
[12:50] mid Gelati: you dont
[you dont win the game
[12:50] Particularly Angry Guy: thats the problem
[12:50] mid Gelati: because there are 10 people
[12:50] Particularly Angry Guy: i want a diff game but there are none
[12:50] mid Gelati: and you are 1 person
[12:50] Particularly Angry Guy: its a monopoly
i fucking hate this game tbh
but theres nothing else
to do
[12:51] mid Gelati: dont do things you hate
[12:51] Particularly Angry Guy: u have no choice but to play this
[12:51] mid Gelati: there's always a choice
start going to the gym
[12:51] Particularly Angry Guy: i do
[12:51] mid Gelati: maybe pick up another hobby
[12:51] Particularly Angry Guy: why
[12:51] mid Gelati: learn to play piano
[12:51] Particularly Angry Guy: 1 of the skilled players of 100,000,000 players
why would i go play another hobby
i know how to play piano
and guitar
and clarinet
[12:52] mid Gelati: can i ask how old you are?
[12:52] Particularly Angry Guy: 0
[12:52] mid Gelati: aight
im just trying to settle this down for you
im 27
if you dont like it then dont do it
you should go find something you like and do it
just play norms, or maybe pick up another game
or some other hobby
but you absolutely shouldnt do it if you dont like it, no matter how good you think you are
[12:53] Particularly Angry Guy: ive already invested enough money and time in this game, and now that im one of the few good people left in the game, i cant get away from it. its literally throwing 6 years out the door.
this game is ranked, if u dont play ranked, ur wasting ur time
competitive and nothing else
[12:53] mid Gelati: theres about 25 million people that would disagree with you
[12:53] Particularly Angry Guy: u play normals, u play and then whatnothing
where do those normal games go
that u play
what does that go towards
what are u working for
[12:54] mid Gelati: less tahtn 30% of the population even plays solo queue
some people just play to hang with friends
others to relax after a long day
[12:54] Particularly Angry Guy: thats wasting ur time
[12:54] mid Gelati: others to immerse themselves in something that isnt rl
some people love wasting their time
this is just relaxation for them
[12:54] Particularly Angry Guy: but its wasting their time and mine
because i get them
on my team
[12:55] mid Gelati: you think a poker shark that sits at the casino and grinds doesnt think that every time some drunken idiot comes up and gets lucky and hits quads on the river against them?
waht do they do? they dont rage and walk out
they ship the cards and move on to the next hand
because they know that over the long haul the'yll be more successful
[12:55] Particularly Angry Guy: and what if they arent.
[12:56] mid Gelati: if they arent, then there is something wrong with their technique
because over thousands and thousands of hands, if they're consistently losing, then maybe they need to alter the way they play
but they cant determine that until they've seen a large sample size
[12:57] Particularly Angry Guy: thats just stupid
all i know is this is going to take
until next season starts
[12:57] mid Gelati: if you feel that way then id recommend you doing something else
[12:57] Particularly Angry Guy: to get anywhere
even though winning my lanes 10/0
its unfair to me
[12:57] mid Gelati: and if thats the approach you're going to have then sadly im not sure you'll be very successful
[12:58] Particularly Angry Guy: they need to start banning people that dont speak english
not banning me
for saying usuck
im not ruining the game for people
[12:58] mid Gelati: can i be honest with you right now dude?
[12:58] Particularly Angry Guy: im helping them win
i had a team tonight
4 people from brazil
or some shit
no one spoke english
and they arent banned
but ill be banned
for flaming for 5 hours
[12:59] mid Gelati: id recommend you reading what you're typing to me right now
because it honestly looks like a raging 5 year old throwing a tantrum
[12:59] Particularly Angry Guy: i dont care
ive played this since 2009
[12:59] mid Gelati: then why are you asking me?
[12:59] Particularly Angry Guy: and have had 4 accounts permanently banned
because of retards
who make me do it
[12:59] mid Gelati: nobody makes you do it
you can mute them
you can ignore chat
you can not type anything
[1:00] Particularly Angry Guy: how do i ignore
or 3/15
[1:00] mid Gelati: you CHOOSE to say something to them
[1:00] Particularly Angry Guy: bot lane
[1:00] mid Gelati: you make a choice in your head to type something to them, derogatory or not
[1:00] Particularly Angry Guy: the game needs a ranking system that takes into account ur individual play
[1:00] mid Gelati: you know thats impossible
[1:00] Particularly Angry Guy: its nothing but win or loss and it sucks
Bf4 does it.
skill level
[1:00] mid Gelati: then go play bf4?
if you hate the system and hate the game then stop playing it
i dont know what you want me to tell you dude
i tried being logical and you're just not hearing it
that sucks that you're frustrated
it sucks that you feel that way, but thats the way it is, if you cant handle it then id suggest looking elsewhere to invest your time
[1:01] Particularly Angry Guy: one day
fist through screen
and itll be over
[1:02] mid Gelati: because there is a certain amount of randomness
if you cant handle that then there's no need to push yourself to this point of anger
[1:03] Particularly Angry Guy: i just dont see why i need to go somewhere else as the best player in the game
why dont the other people
get forced out
doesnt make sense
isnt fair
no justice
[1:03] mid Gelati: you're not the best player in the game
the best player in the game would realize his talents, put the time in, and prove that to everyone
instead of pussying out cuz he lost a few games
michael jordan never did that
you think he didnt feel like he had to carry his teammates every game? cuz im sure he did
[1:04] Particularly Angry Guy: I WENT
[1:05] mid Gelati: but jordan never said shit about his teammates
he ust worried about himself and improving
and thats why hes the best there ever was
[1:05] Particularly Angry Guy: BUT WHAT IF
[1:05] mid Gelati: then you're approaching this wrong
[1:05] Particularly Angry Guy: UHHHH I CALL MID LANE
[1:05] mid Gelati: and you deserve to be banned if you're being this toxic with people
[1:05] Particularly Angry Guy: NEXT GAME
[1:06] mid Gelati: for the record, im putting this conversation on my records as an example
you need to relax
you lost a few games
keep dominating that hard and you'll carry future games
if you dont have the patience for that
then play another game
[1:07] Particularly Angry Guy: please do
spread the word
maybe someone like me will understand
and chances are hes good
no fucking reason
for a 3 season 2200 elo player
to be ripping out his hair
to get anywhere
[1:09] mid Gelati: your rating doenst entitle you to future success
even though the way they reset between seasons it actualyl does entitle you slightly
ive got a teaching degree
i dont automatically get a job cuz i got the degree
[1:10] Particularly Angry Guy: FUCK THIS GAME
[1:05] Particularly Angry Guy: UHHHH I CALL MID LANE
[1:05] mid Gelati: and you deserve to be banned if you're being this toxic with people
[1:05] Particularly Angry Guy: NEXT GAME
[1:06] mid Gelati: for the record, im putting this conversation on my records as an example
you need to relax
you lost a few games
keep dominating that hard and you'll carry future games
if you dont have the patience for that
then play another game
[1:07] Particularly Angry Guy: please do
spread the word
maybe someone like me will understand
and chances are hes good
no fucking reason
for a 3 season 2200 elo player
to be ripping out his hair
to get anywhere
[1:09] mid Gelati: your rating doenst entitle you to future success
even though the way they reset between seasons it actualyl does entitle you slightly
ive got a teaching degree
i dont automatically get a job cuz i got the degree
[1:10] Particularly Angry Guy: FUCK THIS GAME
[1:13] : ill be recording every game
that i play
this week
[1:13] mid Gelati: for what reason?
there is a right answer and a wrong answer to that question
[1:14] Particularly Angry Guy: so because im not diamond 1
ill have proof
that i am
by my play
and not by what other retards
[1:14] mid Gelati: nobody will care until you show them the results
shit this game is more like the real world than youd think
nobody gives a fuck if people are keeping you down, they only give a fuck about what you've achieved
[1:15] Particularly Angry Guy: it will be a nice thing to show u
so u can see
where im coming from
[1:15] mid Gelati: look
[1:15] Particularly Angry Guy: theres a difference between winning and losing
[1:15] mid Gelati: im not denying that it isnt happening
[1:15] Particularly Angry Guy: theres a difference between losing and losing because no one cares
[1:15] mid Gelati: im sure you're completely dominating every single game
[1:15] Particularly Angry Guy: i dont mind losing a match...i really dont...a fair match
not one where i have 3 people
into towers
thats the losing that is stupid
[1:16] mid Gelati: you think the rest of hte solo queue world hasnt experienced that?
[1:16] Particularly Angry Guy: not rlly
[1:16] mid Gelati: you need to stop thinking you're the exception
[1:16] Particularly Angry Guy: because somhow
these idiots that dont even speak english
are where im at now..
so i dont think they are
[1:16] mid Gelati: i had a game earlier with a guy speaking cantonese
another one with a guy that dc'd and never connected
im not sitting hee bitching about it
because IT HAPPENS
it happens to you, to me, to hai, to faker, to bjergsen
shit, challengers gotta deal with being drop hacked half the games
[1:17] Particularly Angry Guy: working out fine for everyone else then
not for me
[1:17] mid Gelati: if you cant take a couple feeders then you wont be able to deal with any of that stuff without you throwing your monitor
you've played 19 games
[1:17] Particularly Angry Guy: THATS
[1:17] mid Gelati: 19 fucking games
[1:17] Particularly Angry Guy: ALOT MORE
[1:18] mid Gelati: no its not...
[1:18] Particularly Angry Guy: AND OUT OF 19 GAMES, 5 OF THEM
[1:18] mid Gelati: turtle has 2 accounts in the top 10
[1:18] Particularly Angry Guy: WERE FAIR
[1:18] mid Gelati: each with 400+ games on them
[1:18] Particularly Angry Guy: i dont have time
for that
and shouldnt need to
[1:18] mid Gelati: then dont expect to be there
[1:18] Particularly Angry Guy: but i was there
[1:18] mid Gelati: no you werent
[1:18] Particularly Angry Guy: diamond 1
4 accounts diamond 3 to diamond 1
[1:18] mid Gelati: turtle would shit stomp you 9 times out of 10
[1:18] Particularly Angry Guy: all permanently banned
[1:18] mid Gelati: you're not the best
you dont have the right attitude
[1:19] Particularly Angry Guy: i know im not the best
but im up there.
ive won plenty
vs good people
[1:19] mid Gelati: so fucking prove it without raging and getting yourself banned
[1:19] Particularly Angry Guy: cant
[1:19] mid Gelati: like dude i dont know what you want me to tell you
[1:19] Particularly Angry Guy: my mind gets
blown up
too much
[1:19] mid Gelati: do you work?
[1:19] Particularly Angry Guy: yes
[1:19] mid Gelati: a full time job?
[1:19] Particularly Angry Guy: and go to college
part time work part time college
[1:19] mid Gelati: ok
you know what happens if you have this kind of response in the work place to someone else not doing their shit?
you BOTH get fired, ebcause you're replacable
[1:20] Particularly Angry Guy: actually at my work no XD
but ya
other jobs
[1:20] mid Gelati: for lack of better terms dude, you gotta grow the fuck up
if you're seriously this good
[1:20] Particularly Angry Guy: can't
[1:20] mid Gelati: then this should just be a bump
[1:20] Particularly Angry Guy: idk what to do
to make others play better
[1:20] mid Gelati: play more
you cant maek others play better
you need to accept that
play 1000 games
show everyone how good you are over the course of 1000 games
[1:21] Particularly Angry Guy: i play like
[1:21] mid Gelati: if you are that much better, then even assuming half those games you get trolled or dcd
[1:21] Particularly Angry Guy: maybe 5 games a day
[1:21] mid Gelati: listen
assume you have a huge troll magnet and you get railed
500 of those games you lose or whatever to trolls or dc's or whatever
you damn well better win those other 500 because thats how good you're saying you are
or at least you're acting that way
you need to put the time in
its not all about talent, its about work ethic
[1:23] Particularly Angry Guy: thats a complete joke because i never
[1:23] mid Gelati: if you want to be good at this game its a job that you need to commit your time and hours to
[1:23] Particularly Angry Guy: ever played that much
last season, i have multiple people including sneakycastro that would vouch because hes on my f list
[1:23] mid Gelati: then let me reverse this then
[1:23] Particularly Angry Guy: have multiple screenshots
i jumped
diamond 5 to diamond 2
in 4 wins
my record
was like 50 wins 80 losses
i never ever
played even close to 500 games
in a season
[1:23] mid Gelati: did you ever, for a second, think that you got lucky?
[1:24] Particularly Angry Guy: for 3 seasons  no
and because i played well
[1:24] mid Gelati: i mean im positive that never crossed your mind of course
[1:24] Particularly Angry Guy: and was complimented by many
i dont think that was luck
it couldve been
but very unlikely
[1:24] mid Gelati: but maybe you got good matchmaking and got paired up and rattld off a couple huge lp wins in a row
[1:24] Particularly Angry Guy: thats fine, couldve been
[1:24] mid Gelati: you're never going to achieve great things with this kind of attitude
thats all im saying dude
[1:24] Particularly Angry Guy: but lucky, no, good , yes
[1:24] mid Gelati: you're being so unreasonable that im starting to think you're trolling me or something
[1:25] Particularly Angry Guy: no
just wondering why people still play this stupid game
thats it
[1:25] mid Gelati: yea, why are YOU playing THIS stupid game?
[1:25] Particularly Angry Guy: because i like to play games
but nothing else is out
unless u got ideas
mmorpgs suck now
or id play one
[1:26] mid Gelati: mmo rpg isnt for you
you dont put hte hours in because you feel you should be able to outskill someone
you should be playing something thats 1v1
if you seriously feel this way
are you gaming for a living?
then why do something you dont enjoy
[1:27] Particularly Angry Guy: i like to play games
and im usually very good
warcraft 3 was great
[1:27] mid Gelati: then go play starcraft 2
[1:27] Particularly Angry Guy: spectacular, well directed game
i dont like sc2's gameplay
[1:27] mid Gelati: or any of hte other games out there right now
[1:27] Particularly Angry Guy: weird
[1:28] mid Gelati: if you want to be hte best 1v1 person go play chess
where there is zero variance
because its always the same
[1:28] Particularly Angry Guy: no one plays cheess
[1:28] mid Gelati: and its purely mathematical
literally millions of people play chess
so thats just a lie
[1:28] Particularly Angry Guy: no one i know
are u talking
[1:28] mid Gelati: either or
chess has very few variables
it is just the game, as pure as it can be
nobody else to hold you down except for you
[1:29] Particularly Angry Guy: eh maybe
[1:29] mid Gelati: [no randomness
because thats what you're describing to me that you want
you want something that lets you just be better than everyone else
without anybodyh olding you down
[1:30] Particularly Angry Guy: ya
[1:30] mid Gelati: you want to be rewarded for being techincally perfect
[1:30] Particularly Angry Guy: if they could impliment that into this
thatd be rgeat
[1:30] mid Gelati: they cant
because there is billions of variable
1 player out of 10 in a game, 120ish champions, blue side/purple side, first pick last pick
other team does fast push, you do poke comp
literally billions of possibilities
its what makes it what it is
the way you speak its like you want things in a vaccuum
and thats just not realistic
chess is like the closest it comes honestly
[1:31] Particularly Angry Guy: lame
welp there goes 6 years
of my life
[1:32] mid Gelati: i just hope you dont approach your life this way cuz the world is even more random than this shit lol
its ok to feel the way you do if you act on it, and dont just sit around bitching to some guy on the internet
you couldve played another game i nthis time :)
and i could have too and now i feel like im wasting my time
[1:33] Particularly Angry Guy: i do, because winning 9 of 19 games, 10 of those games in which i was Godlike, 3 of those in which i was "okay" not Godlike but good enough, and the rest which i just went afk after 1-25 start by the
[1:33] mid Gelati: you're not seeing the big picture
and i wish i could get you to see that
but i need to get some shit done now
[1:34] Particularly Angry Guy: alrighty.
cant wait to see my games tomorrow
prolly will commit suicide
by then
[1:34] mid Gelati: i thought you were done
[1:34] Particularly Angry Guy: im just doing it to simply show people recordings now
see if i can get people to stop playing this
[1:34] mid Gelati: i wouldnt bother, nobody is gonna give a shit
you're just going to get a few "man that sucks bro" and a couple "quit being a bitch and play more games"
and you wont feel any better
if vengeance is what you're after, then id aim it elsewhere because the little children of hte interwebs dont give a fuck whether you're gods gift to league or not
[1:36] Particularly Angry Guy: that sucks
[1:36] mid Gelati: yea it does
but its the way it is
[1:36] Particularly Angry Guy: i want to cry.
people are so bad
[1:36] mid Gelati: if it makes you feel better go for it
[1:36] Particularly Angry Guy: it makes me want
to literally cry
that im a human
they are human
and im stuck
with this
id take my dog
[1:37] mid Gelati: you know what dude
[1:37] Particularly Angry Guy: 9 matches of 10
[1:37] mid Gelati: i guarantee you somebody has said this about you in some capacity of your life
and im sure you wouldnt have appreciated hearing it from them
[1:38] Particularly Angry Guy: 0
[1:38] mid Gelati: i bet you were like 5 minutes late to work one day, or missed something minor and your bsos was like "jesus christ i have fucking carry this scrub ass"
[1:38] Particularly Angry Guy: 0_0
no lol
[1:38] mid Gelati: but he didnt say that
[1:38] Particularly Angry Guy: im very good
[1:39] mid Gelati: because thats not what people do
if you're so good then why dont oyu own the place?
[1:39] Particularly Angry Guy: thats impossible to do
[1:39] mid Gelati: is it?
[1:39] Particularly Angry Guy: how do u just buy a store
[1:39] mid Gelati: you go to the bank and ask for a loan
[1:39] Particularly Angry Guy: LOL
[1:39] mid Gelati: and prove to them that you deserve it
[1:39] Particularly Angry Guy: the he,l
[1:39] mid Gelati: its the same exact thing dude
thats what im trying to tell you
[1:40] Particularly Angry Guy: what i do and what the franchise CEO does
are completely different
[1:40] mid Gelati: my point is that you're not perfect
but you're sure as hell acting and talking like you are
and thats really immature
[1:40] Particularly Angry Guy: im not perfect
i just expect other people
to be decent
[1:41] mid Gelati: why would you do that?
[1:41] Particularly Angry Guy: because its not hard
very easy game
i quit for 6 months, had no idea what the meta was
[1:41] mid Gelati: maybe it is hard for us mortals in the population
[1:41] Particularly Angry Guy: and dropped a 9/1 twitch
i can play whatever role i want, whenever i want, under any conditions
its an easy game
but people dont try
or something
[1:42] mid Gelati: then stop playing
seirously just stop playing
[1:42] Particularly Angry Guy: too late
for that
[1:42] mid Gelati: like you literally cannot accept that you are only one out of 10
you really cant
its not to olate for that
[1:42] Particularly Angry Guy: if u dont win a 9/1 karma match
what will i win
nothing more in my physical
[1:42] mid Gelati: you'll win the game wehre you go 1/6/4 on twitch
[1:42] Particularly Angry Guy: hand
[1:42] mid Gelati: because THATS VARIANCE
you cant control it
[1:43] Particularly Angry Guy: what happens when i go 9/1 for the next 50 games
and still at the same spot
[1:43] mid Gelati: you'll prolly win like 30 of them
[1:43] Particularly Angry Guy: thats not fair now is it
but i have a curse over me
[1:43] mid Gelati: oh jesus christ dude
im done
[1:43] Particularly Angry Guy: ok
[1:43] mid Gelati: you cant be reasoned with
i tried ot help
[1:43] Particularly Angry Guy: thats fine
[1:44] mid Gelati: i wish you the best of luck in your endeavors but i cant deal with your toxicity and negative attitude anymore, and you should honestly uninstall it'd be good for you
i honestly cant believe i kept typing, something i need to improve on
[1:45] Particularly Angry Guy: its fine
ill just keep a gun
close to me
so i can fucking
kill myself
over idiots

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