Friday, May 3, 2013

Introduction to Combat Grading System

Intro to Combat Grades
                The concept for these grades was introduced to me by my roommate Jim who is also one of my best fans and is constantly watching me livestream ( so he gets to see a lot of my gameplay. He pointed out in a conversation one day that KDA and W/L and average creep score can only reveal so much about the game. There are many other factors in a game of League of Legends such as how I did in lane, whether the enemy jungler/other lanes ganked my lane, whether my jungler/other lanes ganked my lane, whether I roamed, etc. From this idea I decided to develop a very simple system to grade three new categories that you will be seeing on my infamous spreadsheet. I believe that future use of these categories will lead to a more focused plan of improvement. Now onto the actual system!

The Rubric:
I will break this down for the "Win Lane?" column and "Outside Lane Influence For/Against" columns.

Firstly we have the "Win Lane?"
                To win a lane I try to consider only the 1 vs 1 aspect of the lane. Factors such as creep score, level advantage, kills/forced recalls, and situationally taking/losing of tower. I assign a grade for the lane phase using the following representative values:

                2 =  I score a massive farm lead (usually 30+ creeps), level lead, or multiple kills
                1 = I score a small farm lead, level lead, maybe a kill/forced recall, slight advantage
                0 = Even lane where all of the factors (cs, levels, kills) equate to an even score for both laners
              -1 = The opponent scores a small farm lead, level lead, kill/forced recall, slight advantage
              -2 = The opponent scores a massive farm lead, level lead, or multiple kills
               This system was partially to put down the ever so common "I always win lane" or "Win lane/Lose Game" claims but it was also a way for me to calculate, over the course of many games, whether or not I was being an effective laner. Taking the average "Lane Grade" from all of the games I've played in a given amount of time, I'm able to deduce that I've either been a positive or negative laner overall.

Secondly we have the "Outside Lane Influence For/Against" columns.
                I utilize a similar grading system using the same numerical values but for different factors. I assign a grade for outside lane influence for/against using the following representative values:

                2 = Significant influence on the laning through kills/recalls, forced summoners, loss of farm
                1 = Slight influence on laning through kills/recalls, forced summoners, loss of farm
                0 = No real influence on laning.
              -1 = Gives slight advantage to enemy laner in some way, usually through a kill
              -2 = Gives significant advantage to enemy laner in some way, usually through multiple kills

***Keep in mind that these values are for representative of the enemy and myself. So in a game where I score "Outside Lane Influence For" a "2" it represents that my jungler/other lanes came and ganked my lane to give me a huge advantage through multiple kills/forced recalls. If I score "Outside Lane Influence Against" a "2" it represents the enemy jungler/other lanes ganking my lane and giving their enemy laner a huge advantage.***

                Similarly to the "Win Lane" column, I wanted to assign some sort of representative value to the other influences on my play in each game so that I could compile them over the course of many numbers of games to determine whether my success/failures were from outside sources or myself.

Lastly I assigned a numeric value to my personal influence around the map (roaming).
                While the scale is similar the values mean slightly different things and it's closer to a "my roam vs their roam" grade.

                2 = I positively affect the other lanes multiple times more than the enemy laner.
                1 = I positively affect the other lanes slightly more than the enemy laner.
                0 = The enemy laner and I either equally influence other lanes or don't at all.
              -1 = The enemy laner positively affects other lanes slightly more than I do.
              -2 = The enemy laner positively affects the other lanes multiple times more than I do.

                This number is more like a scale. While I calculated for all lanes starting at a certain date, I plan to only use this number for mid lane (and possibly top) as it is a key part of the mid players role in the game to roam and assist the other lanes. I can break down by champion whether or not I'm doing a good job roaming on champions that should, or shouldn't be roaming a lot.

Hopefully this clears some things up and if you have any questions feel free to ask me live on stream!

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