August 2014
There were 4 compromised games in which
there was severe lag, a DC, or server trouble, trolls (1-2). There was also 1
game that I dodged (lost 3LP). **
Highest Placement: Diamond 3 (86 lp) Lowest
Placement : Diamond 5 (0 lp)
Win - Loss: 40 - 26 ( 4 - 1 in promo matches )
Kills/Deaths/Assists (avg): 455 / 494 / 776 (6.89 / 7.48
/ 11.76) makes a 2.49:1 Ratio
Team K/D/A (avg): 2115 / 2127 / 3936 (32.0 / 32.2 / 59.6) makes a 2.84:1 ratio
Longest Winning Streak: 11 (13 out of 14) Longest Losing Streak: 4
Largest LP Gain/Lost (single game): +22 / -23
Average CS For (non-support) / Against
(all): 226.1 / 213.0
Average CS per minute For
(non-support) / Against (all):
Highest (peak) Kills/Deaths/Assists
(high in each taken from all games):
19 / 13 / 24
Highest Single Game CS:
371 (on Ahri)
Effectiveness Avg (scale of -2 to +2):
Lane Influence For Avg (scale of -2 to +2): +0.36
Lane Influence Against Avg (scale of -2 to +2): +0.36
Effectiveness Avg (scale of -2 to +2): -0.02
Contribution Avg: 20.18
Contribution Avg: 24.27
Contribution Avg: -4.09
+/-: 26+ / 40
in POSITIVE Contribution Games: 17- 9 Record in NEGATIVE: 23 -17
in EVEN contribution games (0):
Avg %Damage to Champions (% of teams
total): 25.44%
without support games: 27.0%
**Gold statistics are
calculated rounding to the nearest hundred when recording (example: 9700)**
Avg Gold For (GPM): 13,600 (387.4/min) --------> in NON Support games: 14,203 (401.6/min) Avg
Gold Against (GPM): 13,200 (380.9/min) ----> in NON-Support Games:
13,221 (376.2/min)
Avg For as SUPPORT: 9,213 (284.5/min) --->
Enemy Support Gold: 9,950 (316.6/min)
Avg Gold For Lane Partner: 10,714 (338.4/min) ------>
Enemy ADC Gold: 13,050 (415.2/min)
Specific Statistics
Most Played Champion(s):
- Karthus
(mid) (38 games) (26 wins - 12
- Avg CS: 231.6 (6.8/min), Avg K/D/A: 8.03 / 8.03/ 12.23, which makes a 2.52:1
Enemy Avg CS: 205.1 (6.07/min)
Lane Effectiveness Avg: -0.16
Outside Lane Influences Avg (against/for): +0.39 / +0.37
- Roaming Grade: -0.13
- Gold For (gpm) / Against (gpm): 14,349 (420.4/min) / 12,684 (375.3/min) - Avg Game
Length: 33:53
- % Damage to Champs per Game (avg): 29.95%
Net Contribution Grade: -5.36
Games + / - (contribution score): 11 positive (8 - 3) / 27
negative (18 - 9)
Champions Played: 14 (lux support and lux mid differentiated, etc.)
queue Statistics
Record: 29 - 18
- Tuba: 5 games (4 - 1)
- War Pigs: 42 games (25 - 17)
Time Statistics
Average Match Time: 34:51 Shortest Match Time: 18:36 Longest Match Time: 61:58
Match Time Distribution:
- <20:00:
2 games (1 win - 1 loss)
- 20:00 to 25:00: 2 games (1 wins - 1 losses)
- 25:00
to 30:00: 9 games (4 wins - 5 losses)
- 30:00
to 35:00: 19 games (11 wins - 8 losses)
- 35:00
to 40:00: 14 games (12 wins -
2 losses)
- 40:00
to 45:00: 9 games (4 wins - 5 losses)
- 45:00
to 50:00: 1 game (1 win - 0 losses)
>50:00: 2 games (1 win - 1 losses)
Order Statistics
Avg position: 2.6
Avg Position of duo: 3.77
- 1st pick: 24 games (15 wins - 9
- 2nd pick: 8 games (6 wins - 2
- 3rd pick: 13games (7 wins - 6
- 4th pick: 10 games (7 wins - 3
- 5th
pick: 10 games (5 wins - 5 losses)
Specific Statistics
Most Frequent Opponents:
Yasuo (3 - 2), Zed (3 - 1), Akali (3 - 1), Katarina (4 -
1), Xerath (2 - 2)
Strongest Matchups (3 or more games):
- vs Katarina (4 - 1)
Avg K / D / A: 4.6 / 5.8 / 13 (3.03 to 1 KDA)
- Avg CS
per minute For / Against: 6.13 / 5.81
- Net Contribution Score: -2.39
- Lane
Effectiveness Score: -0.2
Outside Influence For / Against: +0.2 / +0.2
Roaming Grade: -0.4
- Champs
Played: Karthus (1-1, Ahri (1-0), Syndra (1-0), Lux (1-0)
- First
Bloods For / Against: 0 / 0
Weakest Matchup (more than 3
Game Summoner Matchups:
- vs justscortch: 1-1 beat his kassadin lost to his
First Bloods For: 2
First Blood Assist: 3
First Bloods Against: 8 First Blood Against Assist: 1
Record when getting first blood: 2 - 0 Record when giving up first blood: 5
- 3
Record when getting FB or Assist: 2 - 0
Record when giving up FB or Assist: 5 - 4
- Mid: 54
games, 37 wins - 17 losses
- Avg CS
per minute For / Against: 6.44
/ 6.12
- Avg
K/D/A: 7.72 / 7.55 / 12.19 Ratio of 2.64 to 1 KDA
- Lane
Effectiveness Avg: -0.24
Outside Influence Against / For: +0.35 / +0.35
Roaming: 0
Contribution Grade: -4.4
- First Bloods
For / Assists: 2 / 0
- First
Bloods Against / Assist: 7 / 1
- AD Carry:
0 game, 0 win - 0 loss
- Avg CS
per minute For / Against: /
- Avg
K/D/A: / / Ratio
- Lane
Effectiveness Avg:
Outside Influence Against / For:
Contribution Grade:
- First Bloods
For / Assists: 0 / 0
- First
Bloods Against / Assist: 0 / 0
- Support:
8 games, 2 wins - 6 losses
- Avg CS per minute of Enemy AD: 6.27
- Avg GPM Enemy ADC / Support: 415.2 / 316.56
- Avg
K/D/A: 2.13 / 7.38
/ 10.13 for a ratio of 1.66:1 KDA
- Avg GPM Lane Partner: 338.39
- Lane
Effectiveness Avg: -0.75
- Outside
Influence Against / For: +1.13
/ +0.13
Contribution Grade: -3.49
- First
Bloods For / Assist: 0 / 0
- First
Bloods Against / Assist: 1 / 0
- Top: 4
games, 1 win - 3 losses
- Avg CS
per minute For / Against: 6.11
/ 6.56
- Avg
GPM For / Against: 353.0 / 433.0
- Avg
K/D/A: 5.25 / 6.75 / 9.75 for a ratio of 2.22 to 1
- Lane
Effectiveness Avg: -1.25
- Outside
Influence Against / For: +0.5 / +0.5
Roaming Grade: -0.33
Contribution Grade: -1.1
- Jungle:
0 games, wins - loss
- Avg CS
per minute For / Against: /
- Avg
GPM For / Against: /
- Avg
K/D/A: /
/ for a ratio of to 1
- Lane
Effectiveness Avg:
Contribution Grade:
Record in First Game of Session: 14 - 11 Record
in Last Game of Session: 14 - 11
Record in Single Game sessions
(counted as both first and last games): 5 - 0
Longest Single Session: 5 games (3 wins - 2 losses)
Time of Day (based on common playing
- Night
block (8:01pm to 4am): 32 games (22 wins - 10 losses)
Morning block (4:01am to 12pm): 4 games (2 wins - 2 losses)
Afternoon/Evening block (12:01pm to 8pm): 30 games (16 wins - 14 losses)
Day of Week:
Monday: 1 game (1 - 0)
Tuesday:10 games (5 - 5)
Wednesday: 7 games (5 - 2)
- Thursday:
4 game (2 - 2)
Friday: 6 games (5 - 1)
Saturday: 11 games (5 - 6)
Sunday: 27 games (17 - 10)
Classical: 4 games (2 - 2)
- Dubstep Mix: 33 games (23 - 10)
- Empyrion:
2 games (1 - 1)
- Encircle:
1 game (1 - 0)
- Feel
good Mix: 2 games (1 - 1)
- High
Energy Mix: 7 games (5 - 2)
- Metal Mix: 9 games (3 - 6)
- Monuments:
2 games (2 - 0)
- Protest
the Hero: 4 games (1 - 3)
- Twelve
Foot Ninja: 2 games (1 - 1)
Goals from
1) Continue
the great farming numbers but try to cut down negative contribution (die less)
- FAILED: While I maintained
excellent farm numbers I died even more than last month
2) Stick to
Nami, Thresh, Zyra, or Leona for support to bring consistency (maybe new Sona?)
- FAILED: Zilean and Morgana
were played but generally just didn't perform well.
3) Bring the
farming focus to other characters besides Karthus. (Orianna, Cassio, etc.)
- SUCCESS: While I still
played mostly Karthus my farm numbers on other champs also improved so this was
a success.
Diamond IV
- SUCCESS: Got Diamond 3! 8-)
Goals for
Next Month:
1) Seriously
cut down the negative contribution (stop dying so much)
2) Improve
support performance no matter the playing (die less)
3) Maintain
farming numbers across the board but cut down on the deaths
BONUS: Diamond