Thursday, November 14, 2013

October/November Advanced Solo Queue Statistics

October and November 2013

** There were 7 disadvantaged games (4v5s, DCs, Rage quits for either side) that WERE FACTORED IN for the sake of raw numbers. There were also 6 games in which I was experiencing the packet loss issue that are ALSO INCLUDED **

Misc. Statistics
Highest Placement: Platinum I (90 lp)     Lowest Placement : Platinum IV (14 lp)
Win - Loss: 79 - 62 (6-2 in promo matches)
Kills/Deaths/Assists (avg): 607 / 636 / 1096 (4.3 / 4.5 / 7.8) makes a 2.69:1 Ratio
Team K/D/A (avg): 3193 / 3151 / 5282  (22.8 / 22.5 / 37.7)
Longest Winning Streak: 6 (6 twice, 5 twice)       Longest Losing Streak: 4
Largest LP Gain/Lost (single game): +23 / -17
Highest (peak) Kills/Deaths/Assists (high in each taken from all games): 15 / 11 / 26
Highest Single Game CS:  313 (Cassiopeia)

Combat Grades:
            Lane Effectiveness Avg (scale of -2 to +2):  +.14
            Outside Lane Influence For Avg (scale of -2 to +2): +.65
            Outside Lane Influence Against Avg (scale of -2 to +2): +.46
            Roaming Effectiveness Avg (scale of -2 to +2): +.08

Contribution Grades:
            Positive Contribution Avg:  20.22
            Negative Contribution Avg: 20.22      
            Net Contribution Avg:  0
            Games +/-: 70 / 70          (One game even at 0)          
            Record in Positive Contribution Games:  39 - 31  Record in Negative: 40 - 30       
            Record in Even (0) Contribution Games: 0 - 1

Damage Statistics      
Avg %Damage to Champions (% of teams total):  20.74%
                        Avg without support games: 25.26%

Gold Statistics
**Gold statistics are calculated rounding to the nearest hundred when recording (example: 9700)**
Avg Gold For (GPM): 9665 (315.5/min)   -------->   in NON Support games: 10,619 (342.9/min) Avg Gold Against (GPM): 10,512 (343.4/min)  ---->  in NON-Support Games: 10,338 (332.8/min)

Champion Specific Statistics
Most Played Champion(s):
            Cassiopeia (mid) (62 games) (40 wins - 22 losses)
                        - Avg CS: 180.7, Avg K/D/A: 6.3 / 4.4 / 6.4, which makes a 2.9:1 ratio
                        - Enemy Avg CS: 194.7
                        - Lane Effectiveness Avg: +.39
                        - Outside Lane Influences Avg (against/for): +.47 / +.66
                        - Gold For (gpm) / Against (gpm): 10,997 (344/min) / 10,674 (332.8/min)               
                        - Avg Game Length: 31:57
                        - % Damage to Champs per Game (avg): 26.12%
                        - Net Contribution Grade: -1.88
                        - Games + / - (contribution score): 28 positive / 34 negative

Champions Played: 18 (lux support and lux mid differentiated, etc.)

Duo queue Statistics 
            Record: 0 - 3
            - TubaPicnic: 2 games (0-2)
            - Dustybottoms: 1 game (0-1)

Match Time Statistics
Average Match Time:  30:28  Shortest Match Time: 15:10 (dc)  Longest Match Time: 54:49
Match Time Distribution:
            -  <20:00:  5 games (4 wins - 1 loss)
            -  20:00 to 25:00: 29 games (16 wins - 13 losses)
            - 25:00 to 30:00: 41 games (19 wins - 22 losses)
            - 30:00 to 35:00: 31 games (16 wins - 15 losses)
            - 35:00 to 40:00: 20 games (12 wins - 8 losses)
            - 40:00 to 45:00: 9 games (7 wins - 2 losses)
            - 45:00 to 50:00: 3 game (2 wins -1 loss)
            - >50:00: 3 games (3wins - 0 losses)

Pick Order Statistics
Avg position: 2.59  Avg Position of duo: 4.33
            - 1st pick: 34 games (23 wins - 11 losses)
            - 2nd pick: 33 games (17 wins - 16 losses)
            - 3rd pick: 42 games (21 wins - 21 losses)
            - 4th pick: 21 games (14 wins - 7 losses)
            - 5th pick: 11 games (4 wins - 7 losses)

Matchup Specific Statistics
Most Frequent Opponents:   
Orianna (8 games, 5-3), Nidalee (7 games, 1-6), Ahri (6 games, 4-2), Fizz (6 games, 5-1), Syndra (5 games 3-2),
Strongest Matchup (more than 3 games):
-vs Fizz (5-1) Avg K/D/A: 4 / 3.33 / 5.66  Avg CS For/Against: 129.8 / 128.3
            - Net Contribution Score: -6.69
            - Lane Effectiveness Score: 0
            - Outside Influence For/Against:  +0.4 / +0.67
            - Roaming Grade: +0.4
            - Champs Played: Cassio 4 (4-0), Orianna (1-1)
Weakest Matchup (more than 3 games): 
- vs Nidalee (1-6) Avg K/D/A: 7.4 / 5.3 / 4.1, Avg CS For/Against: 175.6 / 180.3
            - Net Contribution Score: +3.13
            - Lane Effectiveness Score: +0.86
            - Outside Influence For/Against: +0.57 / +0.43
            - Roaming Grade: -0.167
            - Champs Played: Cassio 5 (0-5), Ahri (1-1)

Multi Game Summoner Matchups:  Had some within games but no individual matchups.

Situational Statistics
First Bloods For/Against: 8 / 8
Record when getting first blood: 3 - 5   Record when giving up first blood: 3 - 5

Positional Statistics
  - Mid (63.8% of games played): 90 games,  55 wins - 35 losses
            - Avg CS For/Aga: 178.4 / 186.6, Avg K/D/A:  5.87 / 4.22 / 6.47 (2.92:1)
            - Lane Effectiveness Avg: +0.34
            - Outside Influence Against / For: +0.45 / +0.63
            - Roaming: +0.08
            - Contribution Grade: -0.06
  - AD Carry (0.007%): 1 game,  0 wins - 1 loss,
            - Avg CS For/Aga: 166 / 208, Avg K/D/A:  5 / 11 / 6 (1:1)
  - Support (33.3%): 47 games, 22 wins - 25 losses
            -  Avg CS enemy AD: 196.7, Avg  K/D/A: 1.4 / 4.8 / 9.9 (2.35:1)
            - Lane Effectiveness Avg: -0.19
            - Outside Influence Against / For: +0.51 / +0.70
            - Contribution Grade: +0.29
  - Top (0.007%): 1 games, 1 wins - 0 losses
            - Avg CS For / Aga: 277 / 251, Avg K/D/A: 4 / 5 / 18 (4.4:1)
            - Lane Effectiveness Avg: 0
            - Outside Influence Against / For: 0 / 0
            - Contribution Grade: +1.52
  - Jungle (0.014%): 2 games, 1 win - 1 loss
            -Avg CS For / Aga: 90.5 / 85, Avg K/D/A: 2 / 6.5 / 11.5 (2.1:1)
            - Lane Effectiveness Avg: 0
            - Outside Influence Against / For: 0 / 0
            - Contribution Grade: +2.33

Environmental Statistics
Record in First Game of Session: 14 - 10    Record in Last Game of Session17 - 7
Record in Single Game sessions (counted as both first and last games): 0 - 0
Longest Single Session: 12 games (6 wins - 6 losses)
Time of Day (based on common playing blocks):
            - Night block (8:01pm to 4am):  65 games (40 wins - 25 losses)
            - Morning block (4:01am to 12pm): 5 games (2 wins - 3 losses)
            - Afternoon/Evening block (12:01pm to 8pm): 71 games (37 wins - 34 losses)
Day of Week:
            - Monday: 33 games (20 - 13)
            - Tuesday: 4 games (1 - 3)
            - Wednesday: 19 games (11 - 8)
            - Thursday: 30 games (17 - 13)
            - Friday: 7 games (5 - 2)
            - Saturday: 30 games (16 - 14)
            - Sunday: 18 games (9 - 9)

            - Arming Van Buuren: 38 games (20 - 18)
            - Eagles Game (NFL on Radio): 2 games (1 - 1)
            - Electronic Dance Music Mix: 9 games (7 - 2)
            - Fair to Midland: 10 games (7 - 3)
            - Feel Good Mix: 8 games (4-4)
            - Funk Mix: 1 game (0 - 1)
            - In Flames: 3 games (1 - 2)
            - Melodic Death Metal Mix: 1 games (1 - 0)
            - General Metal Mix: 21 games (10 - 11)
            - Best of 2013 Metal Mix: 22 games (11 - 11)
            - Protest the Hero: 21 games (14 - 7)
            - Radiohead: 3 games (2 - 1)
            - The Glitch Mob: 2 games (1 - 1)

Goals from September: 1.5 out of 3 achieved

1) Terrible matchups have plagued you. Have a positive win loss against the main assassin champions (Zed, Ahri, Kassadin, Fizz).

            - Success. Dramatic increase in lane effectiveness (+0.14) lead to an 11 - 4 record against these four champions who were a nuisance for you.


            - Failure. Had 9 games with a net contribution rating over 20 and many more in the teens. You were tilting really hard under jungle pressure as there is a correlation there. Learn to deal with getting camped.

3) Maintain a roaming effectiveness grade of equal or greater to this month's (+.32)

            - Slight Failure. You dropped from +0.32 to +0.08 but you made up for it with increased lane effectiveness across the board. You dominated lane play that wasn't camped by junglers and often opted to take towers instead of roam to help other lanes and when you did roam is was more often to stop the other jungler.


            - Failure. You couldn't quite get there. 90 LP in Plat 1 is respectable but you had opportunities that you blew and times when you could have been playing. No excuses, you got what you deserved. That being said Going from Plat 4 to Plat 1 in about 5 weeks is a huge accomplishment compared to the level you have been playing at so be proud of where you're at but not content.