Wednesday, October 2, 2013

September 2013 Advanced Solo Queue Statistics

September 2013
Highest Placement: Platinum IV (100 lp)     Lowest Placement : Platinum IV (0 lp)
Win - Loss: 19 - 26 (0-2 in promo matches)
Kills/Deaths/Assists (avg): 227 / 270 / 386 (5.04 / 6.0 / 8.58) makes a 2.27:1 Ratio
Team K/D/A (avg): 1108 / 1226 / 1963  (24.6 / 27.2 / 43.6)
Longest Winning Streak: 3       Longest Losing Streak: 4
Largest LP Gain/Lost (single game): +25 / -20
Highest (peak) Kills/Deaths/Assists (high in each taken from all games): 14 / 14 / 32
Highest Single Game CS:  311 (Karthus)
Combat Grades:
            Lane Effectiveness Avg (scale of -2 to +2):  -.29
            Outside Lane Influence For Avg (scale of -2 to +2): +.52
            Outside Lane Influence Against Avg (scale of -2 to +2): +.68
            Roaming Effectiveness Avg (scale of -2 to +2): +.32
Contribution Grades:
            Positive Contribution Avg: 20.5
            Negative Contribution Avg: 22.68      
            Net Contribution Avg: -2.18
            Games +/-: 17 / 28                    
            Record in Positive Contribution Games:  6 - 11  Record in Negative: 13 - 15 

Damage Statistics      
Avg %Damage to Champions (% of teams total):  22.02%
                        Avg without support games: 24.43%
Gold Statistics: (rounded to nearest hundred)
            Avg Gold For (GPM): 10,615 (322.24/min)
                        Avg without Support games: 11,231 (340.18/min)
            Avg Gold Against (GPM): 11,615 (352.83/min)
                        Avg without Support Games: 11,231 (338.26/min)
Most Played Champion(s):
            Ahri (mid) (10 games) (6W-4L)
                        - Avg CS: 151.3, Avg K/D/A: 6.5 / 4.8 / 5, which makes a 2.4:1 ratio
                        - Enemy Avg CS: 145.7
                        - Lane Effectiveness Avg: -.2
                        - Outside Lane Influences Avg (against/for): +.7 / +.4
                        - Gold For (gpm) / Against (gpm): 9870 (342.23) / 10,140 (336.2)               
                        - NOTE: Game length still very short at avg 28:52          
                        - % Damage to Champs per Game (avg): 26.14%
                        - Contribution Grade: -2.84

Champions Played:12 (lux support and lux mid differentiated, etc.)

Duo queue Statistics
            Record: 0 - 1
            - BoobiesofDeath: 1 game (0-1)

Average Match Time:  32:28  Shortest Match Time: 20:16  Longest Match Time: 54:41
Match Time Distribution:
            -  <20:00:  0 games
            -  20:00 to 25:00: 10 games (3-7)
            - 25:00 to 30:00: 7 games (5-2)
            - 30:00 to 35:00: 12 games (6-6)
            - 35:00 to 40:00: 7 games (2-5)
            - 40:00 to 45:00: 7 games (3-4)
            - 45:00 to 50:00: 1 game (0-1)
            - >50:00: 2 games (0-2)
Pick Order Statistics:
Avg position: 2.58  Avg Position of duo: 5
            - 1st pick: 8 games (5-3)
            - 2nd pick: 18 games (7-11)
            - 3rd pick: 7 games (3-4)
            - 4th pick: 9 games (4-5)
            - 5th pick: 3 games (0-3)
Most Frequent Opponent: Zed (5 games, 1-4), Kassadin (4 games, 3-1), Vayne (4 games 1-3)
Strongest Matchup (more than 3 games):
-vs Kassadin (3-1) Avg K/D/A: 7.25 / 5 / 8, Avg CS For/Against: 190.7/163.5
Weakest Matchup (more than 3 games): 
- vs Zed (1-4) Avg K/D/A: 4.8 / 6.6 / 11.4, Avg CS For/Against: 186.2/217.4
Multi Game Summoners: none
First Bloods For/Against: 3 / 2
Record when getting first blood: 1-2   Record when giving up first blood: 1-1
Record in First Game of Session: 8 - 6    Record in Last Game of Session:  6 - 8
Record in Single Game sessions (counted as both first and last games): 1 - 0
Positional Records/Statistics:
  - Mid (69% of games played): W/L: 14 - 17
            - Avg CS For/Aga: 181.9 / 171.2, Avg K/D/A:  6.16 / 5.61 / 8.0 (2.52:1)
            - Lane Effectiveness Avg: -.16
            - Outside Lane Influence Against / For: +.61 / +.52
            - Roaming: +.32
            - Contribution Grade: -.4
  - AD Carry (2%): W/L: 1 - 0, Avg CS For/Aga: 164 / 142, Avg K/D/A:  4 / 3 / 6 (3.33:1)
            - Contribution Grade: -6.8
  - Support (29%): W/L: 4 - 9, Avg CS enemy AD: 207.8, Avg  K/D/A: 2.5 / 7.2 / 10.2 (1.8:1)
            - Lane Effectiveness Avg: -.67
            - Outside Lane Influence Against / For: +.92 / +.5
            - Contribution Grade: -6.1 (only 4 positive games)
  - Top (0%):
  - Jungle (0%):

Environmental Statistics:
Longest Single Session: 5 games (2-3 record)
Time of Day (based on common playing blocks):
            - Night block (8:01pm to 4am):  16 games (7 - 9)
            - Morning block (4:01am to 12pm): 0 games
            - Afternoon/Evening block (12:01pm to 8pm): 29 games (12 - 17)
Day of Week:
            - Monday: 4 games (1-3)
            - Tuesday: 8 games (3-5)
            - Wednesday: 4 games (2-2)
            - Thursday: 16 games (6-10)
            - Friday: 0 games
            - Saturday: 7 games (4-3)
            - Sunday: 6 games (3-3)

            - Big Gigantic: 4 games (2-2)
            - Celldweller: 3 games (1-2)
            - Dubstep: 9 games (3-6)
            - EDM: 6 games (3-3)
            - Feel Good Mix: 7 games (3-4)
            - Fleshgod Apocalypse: 1 game (1-0)
            - LMO: 1 games (0-1)
            - Melodic Death Metal Mix: 3 games (1-2)
            - General Metal Mix: 7 games (4-3)
            - Progressive Metal: 5 games (2-3)

Goals from Last Month: 1 out of 3
1) Improve Lane effectiveness across the board but especially in mid matchups vs assassins
            - Failed. Slight drop in lane effectiveness across the board (-.2 to -.29) and worse in middle (-.05 to -.16). You're still really struggling against a lot of the assassins in all roles.

2) Continue to reduce negative contribution by eliminating "tilt games"
            - HUGE FAILURE. Six terrible tilt games with more than double digit negative contribution. Could not maintain control when a game began to trend negatively.

3) Refocus Champion Pool after a huge increase in August. Zone it back in to help focus.
            - Success. Reduced total champion pool down to 12 from 17.

Goals for next month
1) Terrible matchups have plagued you. Have a positive win loss against the main assassin champions (Zed, Ahri, Kassadin, Fizz).


3) Maintain a roaming effectiveness grade of equal or greater to this month's (+.32)


            It's the last month of the season. Once you return from worlds it's time to seriously push for diamond. This is it!