Highest Placement: Platinum V (100 lp/placement) Lowest Placement : Platinum V (0
Win - Loss: 14 - 9 (1-0 in promo matches)
Kills/Deaths/Assists (avg): 63 / 105 / 247 (2.74 / 4.56 / 10.74) makes a 2.96:1
Team K/D/A (avg): 550 / 511 / 988 (23.9 / 22.2 / 42.96)
Longest Winning Streak: 5 Longest Losing Streak: 3
Largest LP Gain/Lost (single game): +23 / -23
Highest (peak) Kills/Deaths/Assists
(high in each taken from all games):
7 / 16 (high) / 27
Highest Single Game CS: 224 (ezreal)
Combat Grades:
Effectiveness Avg (scale of -2 to +2):
Lane Influence For Avg (scale of -2 to +2): +.83
Lane Influence Against Avg (scale of -2 to +2): +.69
Effectiveness Avg (scale of -2 to +2): -.33
Contribution Grades:
Contribution Avg: 20.42
Contribution Avg: 20.5 **
Outlier alert** This number ^ would be +19.61 if you remove a single outlier
game in which I was 2 of my teams 5 deaths as sona
Contribution Avg: -.08 ** (+1.06 with that sona game removed)
+/-: 13 / 10
in Positive Contribution Games: 9 -
3 Record in Negative: 5 - 5
%Damage to Champions (% of teams total):
without support games: 27.56%
*NEW* Gold Statistics: (3 games where I did not track
opponent gold and gpm)
Gold For (Gold per minute): 8500 (272.79)
without Support games: 9500 (293.37)
Gold Against (Gold per minute): 10,200 (314.97)
Most Played Champion(s):
(support) (8 games) (7W-1L)
Avg CS: 15.25, Avg K/D/A: 1.9 / 3.4 / 11.5, which makes a 3.94:1 ratio
Enemy Avg CS:152.37
Lane Effectiveness Avg: +.75
Outside Lane Influences Avg (against/for): +.09
/ +.075
Gold For (gpm) / Against (gpm): 7300 (274.1) / 7700 (286.4)
NOTE: Game length very short at avg 26:31
% Damage to Champs per Game (avg): 11.75
(very high for support)
Contribution Grade: -.66
Champions Played:
7 (lux support and
lux mid differentiated, etc.)
Duo queue Statistics: NO DUO THIS MONTH
Average Match Time: 31:20 Shortest Match Time: 20:19 Longest Match Time: 65:23
Match Time Distribution:
- <20:00:
0 games
- 20:00 to 25:00: 5 games (4-1)
- 25:00
to 30:00: 5 games (3-2)
- 30:00
to 35:00: 9 games (5-4)
- 35:00
to 40:00: 2 games (0-2)
- 40:00
to 50:00: 1 game (1-0)
- >50:00:
1 game (1-0)
Pick Order Statistics:
Avg position: 3.09
Avg Position of duo: no duo this month
- 1st
pick: 1 game (1-0)
- 2nd
pick: 8 games (4-4)
- 3rd
pick: 6 games (2-4)
- 4th
pick: 4 games (4-0)
- 5th
pick: 4 games (3-1)
Most Frequent Opponent: ZERO
Strongest Matchup (more than 3 games):
Weakest Matchup (more than 3 games):
Multi Game Summoners: none
First Bloods For/Against:
Record when getting first blood: 1-0
Record when giving up first blood: 0-0
Record in First Game
of Session: 3 - 5
Record in Last Game of Session: 5 - 3
Record in Single Game sessions
(counted as both first and last games): 0 - 0
Positional Records/Statistics:
- Mid (26.1%):
W/L: 2 - 4, Avg CS For/Aga: 152.5 / 168,
Avg K/D/A: 4.3 / 5.67 / 8.67 (2.29:1)
- Lane Effectiveness Avg: -1.0
- Outside Lane Influence Against / For: +.83
/ +.5
- Roaming: -.33
- Contribution Grade: +.425
- AD Carry
(4.3%): W/L: 0 - 1, Avg CS For/Aga: 224 / 222, Avg K/D/A: 4 / 3 / 3 (2.33:1)
Contribution Grade: -3.3
- Support (69.6%): W/L: 12 - 4, Avg CS enemy AD: 180.7, Avg K/D/A: 2.1 / 4.25 / 12
- Lane Effectiveness Avg: +.31
Outside Lane Influence Against / For: +.69
/ +.94
- Contribution Grade: -.07 (outlier removal makes this +1.61 sona
game with 2 of teams 5 deaths)
- Top:
- Jungle: none
Longest Single Session: 4 games (3-1 record)
Time of Day (based on common playing
- Night
block (8:01pm to 4am): 10 games (5 - 5)
- Morning block (4:01am to 12pm): 13 games (9 - 4)
Afternoon/Evening block (12:01pm to 8pm): 0 games
Day of Week:
Monday: 5 games (4-1)
- Tuesday:
4 games (3-1)
Wednesday: 5 game (4-1)
Thursday: 3 games (1-2)
Friday: 0 games
2 games (2-0)
- Sunday: 4 games (0-4)
- Armin
van Buuren: 9 games (6-3)
- Blackmill:
1 game (1-0)
General Metal Mix: 8 games (4-4)
Soundtrack: 4 games (2-2)
- The
Glitch Mob: 1 game (1-0)
Goals for next month
1) Improve Lane effectiveness (be proactive)
2) Continue to reduce negative contribution
3) Make a concerted effort to roam more.