Saturday, June 7, 2014

April and May 2014 Advanced Solo Queue Statistics

April and May 2014

** There were 5 games in which there was severe lag, a DC, or server trouble (2-3). There was also 2 games with trolls/rage quits (1-1 record) and one game that I dodged because my partners client crashed. These games will not be included in these statistics **

Misc. Statistics
Highest Placement: Platinum 2 (100 lp)     Lowest Placement : Platinum 3 (0 lp)
Win - Loss: 35 - 32 ( 2 - 1 in promo matches )
Kills/Deaths/Assists (avg): 375 / 320 / 605 (5.6 / 4.78 / 9.0) makes a 3.05:1 Ratio
Team K/D/A (avg): 1885 / 1805 / 3100  (28.1 / 26.9 / 46.3) makes a 2.76:1 ratio
Longest Winning Streak: 4 (8 out of 9 at one point)           Longest Losing Streak: 7
Largest LP Gain/Lost (single game): +20 / -19
Average CS For (non-support) / Against (all): 196.7 / 202
Average CS per minute For (non-support) / Against (all): 5.86 / 5.97
Highest (peak) Kills/Deaths/Assists (high in each taken from all games): 18 / 11 / 24
Highest Single Game CS:  299 (on Ziggs)

Combat Grades:
            Lane Effectiveness Avg (scale of -2 to +2):  +0.06
            Outside Lane Influence For Avg (scale of -2 to +2): +0.44
            Outside Lane Influence Against Avg (scale of -2 to +2): +0.23
            Roaming Effectiveness Avg (scale of -2 to +2): +0.17

Contribution Grades:
            Positive Contribution Avg:  19.84
            Negative Contribution Avg: 18.08      
            Net Contribution Avg:  +1.76
            Games +/-: 40+ /  27-         
            Record in Positive Contribution Games:  19- 21  Record in Negative: 16 - 11        

Damage Statistics      
Avg %Damage to Champions (% of teams total):  22.93%
                        Avg without support games: 24.4%

Gold Statistics
**Gold statistics are calculated rounding to the nearest hundred when recording (example: 9700)**
Avg Gold For (GPM): 11,950 (354.2/min)   -------->   in NON Support games: 12,305 (366.6/min) Avg Gold Against (GPM): 12,354 (363.7/min)  ---->  in NON-Support Games: 12.266 (362.5/min)

Avg For as SUPPORT: 9,667 (275 /min)  --->  Enemy Support Gold: 9,900 (289.8/min)
Avg Gold For Lane Partner:  13,000 (374.0/min)  ------>  Enemy ADC Gold: 12,922 (372.0/min)  

Champion Specific Statistics
Most Played Champion(s):
            - Leblanc (mid) (18 games) (9 wins - 9 losses)
                        - Avg CS: 178.5 (5.2/min), Avg K/D/A: 7.4 / 4.3 / 7.5, which makes a 3.46:1 ratio
                        - Enemy Avg CS: 193.5
                        - Lane Effectiveness Avg: +.5
                        - Outside Lane Influences Avg (against/for): +0.11 / +0.72
                        - Roaming Grade: +0.17
                        - Gold For (gpm) / Against (gpm): 12,289 (360.7/min) / 11,961 (348.7/min)            
                        - Avg Game Length: 34:07 (significantly shorter than last month)
                        - % Damage to Champs per Game (avg): 22.9%
                        - Net Contribution Grade: +5.14
                        - Games + / - (contribution score): 14 positive (8 - 6) / 4 negative (1 - 3) 

Champions Played: 17 (lux support and lux mid differentiated, etc.)

Duo queue Statistics 
** I played a lot more duo queue than I normally do this month to practice with members of my 5s team **
            Record: 12 - 13
                        - Ammoam: 1 game (0 - 1)
                        - D Best Ever: 1 game (0 - 1)
                        - First Time Shaco: 1 game (0 - 1)
                        - Flareonz: 5 games (1 - 4)
                        - Tuba: 4 games (2 - 2)
                        - War Pigs: 13 games (9 - 4)
Match Time Statistics
Average Match Time:  33:47  Shortest Match Time: 20:26  Longest Match Time: 51:56
Match Time Distribution:
            -  <20:00:  0 games (0 wins - 0 loss)
            -  20:00 to 25:00: 5 games (5 wins - 0 losses)
            - 25:00 to 30:00: 15 games (7 wins - 8 losses)
            - 30:00 to 35:00: 19 games (9 wins - 10 losses)
            - 35:00 to 40:00: 20 games (10 wins - 10 losses)
            - 40:00 to 45:00: 5 games (2 wins - 3 losses)
            - 45:00 to 50:00: 2 game (1 win -1 loss)
            - >50:00: 1 games (1 win - 0 losses)

Pick Order Statistics
Avg position: 2.78  Avg Position of duo: 2.92
            - 1st pick: 16 games (5 wins - 11 losses)
            - 2nd pick: 16 games (9 wins - 7 losses)
            - 3rd pick: 15 games (11 wins - 4 losses)
            - 4th pick: 7 games (4 wins - 3 losses)
            - 5th pick: 13 games (6 wins - 7 losses)

Matchup Specific Statistics
Most Frequent Opponents:  
Zed (5 - 2), Syndra (2 - 2), Kayle (2 - 1), Kassadin (1 - 2), Yasuo (0 - 3), Ziggs (1 - 1)

Strongest Matchups (3 or more games):
- vs Zed (5 - 2)      Avg K / D / A: 5.7 / 3.43 / 10 (4.58 to 1 KDA)
            - Avg CS per minute For / Against: 5.64 / 6.3
            - Net Contribution Score: +4.36
            - Lane Effectiveness Score: +0.29
            - Outside Influence For / Against: +0.43 / 0
            - Roaming Grade: 0
            - Champs Played: Leblanc (3 - 1), Ziggs (1 - 0), Nidalee (0 - 1), Kassadin (1 - 0)
            - First Bloods For / Against: 0 / 1

- vs Kayle (2 - 1)   Avg K/D/A: 9.67 / 3.33 / 6.67 (4.91 to 1 KDA)
            - Avg CS per minute For / Against: 5.22 / 5.77
            - Net Contribution Score: +2.81
            - Lane Effectiveness Score: +1.0
            - Outside Influence For / Against: 0 / +1.33
            - Roaming Grade: 0
            - Champs Played: Leblanc (1 - 1), Cassiopeia (1 - 0)
            - First Blood For / Against: 1 / 0

Weakest Matchup (more than 3 games): 
- vs Yasuo (0 - 3) Avg K/D/A: 2.33 / 6.33 / 7
            - Avg per minute For / Against: 6.0 / 7.6
            - Net Contribution Score: +3.97
            - Lane Effectiveness Score: -0.67
            - Outside Influence For/Against: 0 / +0.33
            - Champs Played: Karthus (0 - 1), Leblanc (0 - 1), Ziggs (0 - 1)
            - First Blood For / Against: 0 / 0

Multi Game Summoner Matchups: 
            - vs F291: 0 - 2 vs his Nidalee but it was mostly his team outperforming mine
            - vs Fatman121: 1 - 1 Lost to his TF but beat his Jarvan with my top lane Soraka

Situational Statistics
First Bloods For: 8                         First Blood Assist: 4
First Bloods Against: 7                 First Blood Against Assist:  3
Record when getting first blood: 5 - 3   Record when giving up first blood: 3 - 4
Record when getting FB or Assist: 7 - 5 (2 - 2 on just assist) 
Record when giving up FB or Assist:  4 - 6 (1 - 2 on just assist)

Positional Statistics
  - Mid (80.6% of games played): 54 games,  27 wins - 27 losses
            - Avg CS per minute For / Against: 5.92 / 5.96
            - Avg K/D/A:  6.37 / 4.44 / 8.2  Ratio of 3.28:1
            - Lane Effectiveness Avg: +0.07
            - Outside Influence Against / For: +0.19 / +0.4
            - Roaming: +0.17
            - Contribution Grade: +3.5
            - First Bloods For / Assists: 8 (all on LB) / 1
            - First Bloods Against / Assist: 6 / 1

  - AD Carry (0%): 0 games
  - Support (13.4%): 9 games, 5 wins - 4 losses
            -  Avg CS per minute of Enemy AD: 196.9
            -  Avg GPM Enemy ADC / Support: 373.2 / 292.6
            -  Avg  K/D/A: 1.78 / 6.33 / 11.56 for a ratio of 2.11:1
            -  Avg GPM Lane Partner: 374.0
            - Lane Effectiveness Avg: +0.11
            - Outside Influence Against / For: +0.56 / +0.56
            - Contribution Grade: -5.2
            - First Bloods For / Assist: 0 / 1
            - First Bloods Against / Assist: 1 / 2

  - Top (<1%): 1 games, 1 wins - 0 losses
            - Avg CS per minute For / Against: 6.18 / 7.38
            - Avg GPM For / Against: 352.1 / 344.4
            - Avg K/D/A: 2 / 4 / 8 for a ratio of 2.5:1
            - Lane Effectiveness Avg: -1.0
            - Outside Influence Against / For: 0 / 0
            - Roaming Grade: +1.0
            - Contribution Grade: -16.1

  - Jungle (4.5%): 3 games, 2 wins - 1 loss
            - Avg CS per minute For / Against: 135 / 136
            - Avg GPM For / Against: 323.9 / 348.2
            - Avg K/D/A: 4.33 / 6.33 / 16.67 for a ratio of 3.32:1
            - Lane Effectiveness Avg: 0
            - Outside Influence Against / For: 0 / 0
            - Roaming: 0
            - Contribution Grade: -2.55

Environmental Statistics
Record in First Game of Session: 11 - 12   Record in Last Game of Session:  10 - 10
Record in Single Game sessions (counted as both first and last games): 2 - 4
Longest Single Session: 9 games (6 wins - 3 losses)
Time of Day (based on common playing blocks):
            - Night block (8:01pm to 4am):  26 games (12 wins - 14 losses)
            - Morning block (4:01am to 12pm): 11 games (7 wins - 4 losses)
            - Afternoon/Evening block (12:01pm to 8pm): 30 games (16 wins - 14 losses)
Day of Week:
            - Monday: 19 games (12 - 7)
            - Tuesday: 3 games (0 - 3)
            - Wednesday: 4 games (3 - 1)
            - Thursday: 1 game (0 - 1)
            - Friday: 15 games (7 - 8)
            - Saturday: 21 games (11 - 10)
            - Sunday: 4 games (2 - 2)

            - Blind Guardian: 1 game (0 - 1)
            - Blue Sky Black Death: 1 game (0 - 1)
            - Bonobo: 1 game (1 - 0)
            - Chillstep Mix: 9 games (4 - 5)
            - David Maxim Micic: 2 games (2 - 0)
            - Destiny Potato: 2 games (1 - 1)
            - Encircle: 1 game (0 - 1)
            - High Energy Mix: 33 games (21 - 12)
            - LCS Broadcast: 8 games (2 - 6)
            - Melodic Death Mix: 3 game (2 - 1)
            - OGN Broadcast: 1 game (0 - 1)
            - Opeth: 1 game (0 - 1)
            - Phantomlord Livestream: 3 games (2 - 1)
            - Shade Empire: 1 game (0 - 1)
Goals from March: 3 out of 3
1) Improve overall support performance
Failure: While I didn't really drop off that much, I certainly didn't improve.

2) Make a top champion your own
Incomplete:  I only played a single game in top lane and got the "W" but I have been working on Ryze and Vladimir in normals. Not quite there yet so this gets a failure.

3) Sustain excellent balance of map pressure and income.
Success:  While my roaming went down my income remained the same and I dominated my lane much harder than last month. This still needs to improve.

BONUS: Platinum 1: Failed

Goals for Next Month
1) Support play needs to improve despite having to play the role less.

2) Finish adding a top laner and work on a meta-jungle pick like Lee/Elise/Jarvan/Vi

3) Play more games.

BONUS: Diamond

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